AWS project Using Shell Scripting for Tracking AWS Resources

In this project we will be monitoring Basic AWS resources like Listing s3 Buckets, AWS EC2 instances, AWS Lamda Functions, AWS IAM Users

1) Connect to AWS EC2 instance

  1. Visit this blog,how to Create AWS EC2 instance for Ubuntu.

    Link :

  2. ```bash  21/05/2023   11:11.43   /home/mobaxterm  chmod 600 C:/Users/vijay/Downloads

 21/05/2023   11:18.13   /home/mobaxterm  ssh -i C:/Users/vijay/Downloads/test11.pem ubuntu@

3. Here I am using Bash Shell


ubuntu@ip-172-31-28-28:~$ bash
  1. Install AWS CLI . Refer my Blog

    Link :

  2. Now configure AWS credentials to connect with AWS.

  3.   aws configure

    Enter your Access Key Id,Secret Access Key Default region name and Output Format.

  4. Now we will start writing our script to track AWS resources. We will name it as

  5.    vim
  6. Write the Script in VIM Editor

    ```bash #!/bn/bash



    #Date: 20th- May # #Version :v1 # #This Script will report AWS resource Usage ################## set -x #AWS S3 #AWS EC2 #AWS Lamda #AWS IAM Users

#List S3 Buckets aws s3 ls

#List EC2 Instances aws ec2 describe-instances

#List AWS Lambda Functions aws lambda list-functions

#List IAM USer aws iam list-users

    Here set -x will run the script in debug mode

7. Now we run this script and we will get to know about the 1)List of S3 Buckets

    2)List of EC2 Instances 3) List of AWS Lambda Functions 4) List of IAM Users

    chmod 777 
    ./ | more

This will run the script in a readable format.

  1. OUTPUT:

  2. If we only want the Instance ID we can use JSON Parser as this script output is in JSON. We can make script changes using VIM and replace EC2 instance command with following

    aws ec2 describe-instances | jq '.Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId[]'

This is how we track our resources of AWS using BASH scripting and AWS CLI

Resources I followed:

Youtube Video by Abhishek Verramala